Saturday, July 5, 2008

White People Have Made Up Yet ANOTHER "Sport" - WWWWP

Well Kids, it's official. White people are THE most bored people to ever walk the Earth -- so much so that they've invented another "sport" to blow off a bit of steam after a stressful work week at WPSSCC. It's called Wife Carrying.

For fucking fuck sake. Really?

The picture above was taken at this year's Wife Carrying World Championship which took place in Finland today. You geniuses read it right. There is actually a World Championship for this sort of fuckery.

If anyone has pictures from this year's Baby Mama Carrying Championship that took place in Harlem a few weeks ago, feel free to share them... I'm just saying.

Blogger's Note: The winner of the WCWC wins the wife's weight in beer -- PRICELESS!

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