Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thoughts Of Food Or Food For Thought? - BH

As an expert on reading Black people's facial expressions, I have prepared an analysis of what our nation's future 44th president (accept it, White people) was thinking in the above photo.

Mmmm mmm mmm! I can taste them chitlins already!

Pigs feet! Y'all got any? I loooooove pigs feet!

Brang me some collards! What?! No collards?! Well brang the mustards then!

Hillary got a nice ass -- I'ma smack it! Bill still my n*gga tho!

Do I smell cornbread? I know cornbread when I smell it!

I looooove pigs feet!


Anonymous said...

LoL you're definitely from the south, my friend....


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Lawdddddddddddd! CGIRL

Anonymous said...

I'll have an arugula salad.