Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Airbrush Used To Create "Clothing": Proof That The Debaucherous Dark Lord Satan Himself Attended The 2008 ESPY Awards - WC

Once, when asked by Stuttering John, in an ambush interview for The Howard Stern Show if he liked White women, the prophet The Honorable David Allen Greer responded: "I feel that the best way to get to know the devil is by f*cking his woman."

Even though the model on the far right looks a lot like an extra-terrestrial, we (I), at Haterade On Ice, still love White chicks in body paint.

There isn't really much more to report here.

White chicks. Body paint. Yay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Dropout is just another brother either trying to grudge-fuck the ancestors of former slave owners or just keep the white man's prize for a piece of living, breathing "bling."

Nothing horrible about that... unless you think about how he's betraying his culture just for a trophy on his shelf.
