Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jesse Jackson Has A Haterade IV Drip - WWWBP

As a negro myself, my biggest beef with other Black people as a whole is that most of them (us) still just don't "get it". What I mean to say is that Black people cannot seem to grasp the concept that BLACK PEOPLE THEMSELVES are the main obstacles standing between their (our) race (I prefer the word, culture) and the promised land that Martin Luther The King spoke so eloquently of.

Case in point: the chimp in the picture above.

I don't refer to "Reverend" Jackson as a chimp because he's a Negro, I call him a chimp because he's easily excited, reacts wildly without forethought, and functions on a set of simple principles with almost no room for adaptation.

The civil rights movement is OVER. Period. In many ways, it was over that day the shots rang out at The Lorraine Motel in Memphis -- the day "Reverend" Jackson smeared the blood of Dr. King on himself and played it up for the news crews. That was the day that one of the last men of the movement truly willing to die for his beliefs did just that.

After that, the vultures swooped in. They scavenged what was left of a noble legacy --they raped a cause and bore from it bastard children. Greed. Self-service. Opportunism.

And now the vultures are themselves little more than fearful relics. They privately recognize that their cause no longer really exists -- especially not in the way they insist on preserving and displaying it. They chant the mantra of "racism", and by doing so, keep it alive like a hidden ember that still burns, only now without passion, in the hearts of White people. By keeping it alive, they keep themselves relevant. They remind an entirely new generation of humans that they still exist. They drum up the memberships of their organizations. They fuel the contributions that allow them to enjoy the standard of living to which they have become accustomed -- a standard afforded by the deaths of men greater than themselves.

For Jesse Jackson and his ilk, admitting that the path to acceptance, advancement, and inclusion lies in one's own readiness to take responsibility for oneself would be "career" suicide. Why? Because it puts all the pressure on the person each of us sees in the mirror. At that point, the evil White Boogeyman vanishes instantly and guess what -- Jesse has to get a real job for the first time since he left the chicken coop -- in short, White people DO NOT oppress a group that is SELF-OPPRESSED.

So, "Reverend" Jackson, I'd tell you to raise your glass of Haterade, but the truth is, you're already drowning in it. To express a desire to "cut Barrack Hussein's nuts off", is the ultimate in hate. To show contempt for a man who has risen above so much of what you would claim still holds Black people down is the ultimate contradiction.

And at this stage of the game, any lack of acceptance stems NOT from the "Barrack Obama" people see in Barrack Obama, but rather the "Jesse Jackson" you force people to assume must be innate in people of color simply because we are of color and, therefore, identify with nothing other than our color -- because our color is what's holding us back. Right?

Wrong. You are.

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